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Welcome to AI Flow | Golly I'm gully...

An Intelligent Flow

Read time: 2 minutes

“Golly I'm gully, look at his galoshes” - Cam’ron ‘I Really Mean It’ — Probably my favorite Hip Hop lyric of all time. It’s so brash and boastful, but artistic and creative. In my opinion, it’s the epitome of Hip Hop culture. This lyric is setting the tone for this newsletter. As I write these newsletters, “I Really Mean It” is playing in my head… and I’m wearing galoshes.

Welcome AI Enthusiasts,

With this first email, I’m going to introduce you to some tools that I have been using for months. So some of this information will be new to some people and old to more experienced AI users.

3 AI Tools to Supercharge Your Productivity

Probably the OG AI tool. ChatGPT was released on November 30, 2022. It is a super-intelligent chatbot, which means you can ask it questions and have conversations with it. You can ask ChatGPT to do tasks such as writing a summary on a subject, researching a topic, or creating ideas for a project. It’s the ultimate productivity hack. For anyone who wants a super smart personal assistant, this is for you.

MidJourney is the strongest AI text-to-image generator, in my opinion. This tool almost eliminates the need for a graphic designer. However, having a graphic designer finish your MidJourney artwork is a great benefit. With version 6, you can do a few more things like add text to image generations, but you can’t Zoom Out like in version 5.2. For anyone who has an interest in design, but lacks graphic design skills, this is the tool for you.

LogoAI creates logos for your brand based on some basic prompts for information, like color schemes and industry. It’s an awesome thought starter for a final brand identity. I wouldn’t suggest using it for your brand logo exclusively unless you don’t have any other options for design. I would start the conversation with LogoAI and then pass on the logo to an experienced graphic designer to add some flare.

AI Generated Images

Snoop Dogg as the Grinch aka Grinch Dogg

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